There could be several reasons why one might need SaaS (Software-as-a-Service). Here are a few reasons:
1. Lower costs: With SaaS, the software is deployed on a shared infrastructure and maintained by the vendor. This significantly reduces the upfront costs and ongoing maintenance costs compared to traditional on-premise software.
2. Convenience and accessibility: SaaS eliminates the need for businesses to invest in their own hardware, software licenses, and infrastructure, which can be costly and time-consuming. Users can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection, which makes it very convenient and accessible.
3. Scalability: SaaS is very scalable, which means it can grow or shrink with your business needs. SaaS vendors can quickly add or remove users, features, and resources to support your business as needed.
4. Upgrades and maintenance: With traditional software, businesses may need to wait for new releases or updates to be released and then install them on their own. With SaaS, upgrades and maintenance are typically handled by the vendor, which means software is always up-to-date and running smoothly.
Overall, SaaS offers a cost-effective, convenient, and scalable solution for businesses that need software applications to manage their operations.